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Quizze und Quizergebnisse

Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live]    

...Yup hier hab ich ma alle meine Quizergebnisse hingepostet xD

*quiz fan is* hehe quizze machen spass ^_________^


your fear is being ALONE. something happened in the
past that hurt you badly. you're very shy and
you don't like being alone because you think
people hate you when you are alone. you aren't
exactly a social butterfly, but when people
talk to you, you seem to become friends. don't
worry, you won't be alone unless you push
others away, so try to enjoy life! there's
always a light at the end of the tunnel.

what is your greatest fear?
brought to you by Quizilla



 welche Rose bist du? (das Quiz hab ich selbst gemacht xD)



blaue Elfe

Welche Elfe bist du?


You are Farin Urlaub!

Which member of Die Aerzte are you?
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You are Farin and play the guitar. You are more
than funny and to be honest I like you the

Which member of Die Aerzte are you ?
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Your death will be suicide....Most likely because
people won't except you or love you or
because you hate life itself...You have
constent thoughts of suicide daily....and you
plan when you will. Someday it will
happen....You most likely die alone in your
house...with nothing but dark music playing.
You'll probably write a sucide note and die
right by your bed side....

How Will You Die And Why? .:Beautiful Dark Pics:.
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What kind of angel are you (preferably for girls ~ PICS ~ many results)?

Angel of Death/Grim Reaper. You are dark and depressed and probably wish for death.
Take this quiz!

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Du bist ein Dämon!    ~~~>wie lustig ich bin ein Dämon *lach*....
Du bist ein Daemon!

Was fuer ein Wesen bist du?


                                       Visit The Doll Palace [Where Cartoon Dolls Live]      Datum: 




Yo jetzt kommt mein komisches virtuelles haustier.......        


adopt your own virtual pet!




The world is cruel, fate is bitter and there's no
place for you anymore. Your thoughts can often
lead to, 'Why live when I feel like dying ?
Yours is an illness of sorrow.

What's Your Disorder ?
brought to you by Quizilla feuer
welches element bist du?

brought to you by Quizilla Info Black
Your Heart is Black

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizillaont Du bist Amy Lee
Du bist Amy Lee

Welche Saengerin bist du?
brought to you by Quizilla

Du fühlst dich oft unverstanden und allein. Du bist traurig und fühlst dich von allen verlassen...
Du fuehlst dich allein und unverstanden...

Was fuer ein Metoyou-Baerchen bist du?
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